Our Methodology

Our Methodology

Online Marketing and SEO Strategy

The creation of Black Shoe Digital stems from our decades of experience as consultants in the technology sector. Working with clients to uncover enterprise system requirements and then implementing them requires months of discovery, and planning. With 6 or 7 figures on the line, getting it right the first time is imperative. This is the kind of experience that brings cutting-edge thinking, organization skills, creative execution, and professional excellence to every project.

BSD is a boutique agency; we are not the "big guys" and have no need for tons of projects happening at once. What's more important to us is building a strong and successful relationship with clients, one at a time. To do that, we built a comprehensive 9-step approach. This disciplined approach allows us to fully understand your needs and create the best solution that is unique to you.

Our primary mission is to educate, inform, and help you make the best decision. Without exception, we strive to make every campaign completely human, regardless of the digital means that we use to promote it.

Black Shoe Digital Consulting

BSD's 9-Steps To Success - EXPLAINED

1. Education

This first step is critical to understanding each other's strengths and weaknesses.  We will discuss your digital landscape, industry trends, and various marketing strategies. It's important to set the proper foundation for a productive partnership and to grasp the value and potential business impact of digital marketing.

Transparency is critical to building a plan that successfully achieves both your short-term and long-term goals. 

2. Assessment

Through detailed assessments, our team gains an in-depth understanding of your business, goals, target audience(s), competitive landscape, and existing digital marketing efforts. This assessment informs the development of a tailored strategy to meet the your specific needs.

We will ask every appropriate question to uncover "the good, the bad, and the ugly."

3. Alignment

The Partners will work closely with you to align your objectives, expectations, and key performance indicators (KPIs). This alignment ensures that both parties are on the same page and have a shared understanding of the desired outcomes.

The key takeaway is to minimize the opportunity for surprises.

4. Design

Based on the assessment and alignment, BSD then designs a comprehensive digital marketing plan that outlines the recommended strategies, tactics, timelines ("Big Bang" or phased approach), and budget allocation. If we settle on a phased approach, we will discuss our recommendations on what services to implement first to build the best plan.

We want you to have a big impact. The plan serves as a roadmap for your digital marketing initiatives moving forward to help achieve your business growth objectives.

5. Discussion

Here's where our partnership deepens. A crucial aspect of effective relationship-building involves ongoing discussions and clear communication between you and us.

Regular meetings, updates, and progress reports allow for feedback, clarification of goals, and addressing any concerns or changes in priorities.

6. Selection

During the discussion phase, we collaborate with you to select the most suitable digital marketing channels, platforms, and tactics that align with your goals and target audience(s).

This ensures an optimized and highly focused or targeted approach to help achieve the desired business results.

7. Implement

Here we go! Once the strategies, channels, and chronology of services is established, we begin implementing the digital marketing initiatives, such as website design, SEO, social media campaignsPPC advertising, and content creation.

This step involves executing the planned activities with attention to detail and adherence to timelines agreed upon.

8. Monitor

Continuous monitoring and analysis of the implemented strategies are vital for measuring performance, tracking key metrics, and making data-driven decisions.

We use various analytical tools to assess the effectiveness of the campaigns, identify areas for improvement, and optimize the marketing efforts accordingly. We also check-in with our clients frequently to make sure they see  progress and understand the results to date.

9. Expand

As our relationship progresses and your needs evolve, we can explore opportunities for expansion (and/or adjustment).

This may involve expanding into new digital channels, targeting additional audience segments, or integrating new technologies or features to enhance and extend your online presence and reach.

Websites Built To Rank YOU Number One!

A Business Partner Committed to Your Success

Our bottom-line message is that YOU are not alone...WE are in the partnership together.

When you succeed, we succeed!

BSD builds strong client relationships through open and transparent communication, active listening, being responsive to feedback, and engaging in a client-focused approach.

By consistently delivering value, demonstrating expertise, and exceeding expectations, the BSD team has been blessed to foster long-term client relationships based on trust, collaboration, and mutual growth.

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